Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Adventures

It has been a busy few days. I have been on the road... in route to Seattle to deliver this little furry friend back to my daughter. I left home with my husband on Thursday to our son's home to see him. We had a great dinner and even better time to visit and hear about all of his adventures. Then I delivered my husband to the airport so he could fly to Colorado to do his 94 year old mother's taxes and have their annual mother son visit. :-) I think it is so nice that the two of them have some quality time together! Next on to Seattle for lunch with our first born. I also got to see her new office and place of employment. Such a wonderful thing. Then on to her apartment which is the new home for she and her kitty... She and I will have the weekend together to do what ever we please. This should be extra fun because we both enjoy looking at art, taking photos and general adventuring around her new city.
This is just a fun photo of my two babies. It makes me smile! I am feeling so very fortunate that their lives are beginning out in this big world in such a wonderful way!!! It is so exciting to hear about all their adventures. So many people have so many challenges yet I can not help but count our blessings!!!
I would like to wish all of you a wonderful and Blessed Easter with loved ones!!!


  1. Have a great time! Love the pretty white flowers.

  2. They grow up so quickly, don't they?

    Your 2 babies are beautiful... you must be very proud!
